Glenn Hegar is a sixth generation Texan, who grew up farming land that has been in his family since the mid-1800s. His upbringing on the family farm taught him the core values of character, honesty, integrity and hard work. Glenn understands that not only does farming teach numerous life lessons, it plays a vital role in the Texas economy.

- The economic impact of the food and fiber sectors in Texas total over $100 billion a year
- We lead the nation in cattle, hay, sheep, goat, cotton, and mohair production
- With nearly 250,000 farms and ranches covering over 130 million acres of land, Texas is #1 in the nation for number of farms and ranches
- Texas has a higher number of women and minority farm operations than any other state
- Texas ranks #1 in the nation in value of farm real estate
- 1 in every 7 Texans (14%) is in an agriculture-related job
- Texas is #6 in the country in value of agricultural exports

“TFB AGFUND is proud to support Glenn Hegar for Texas Comptroller. As a small business owner working in Agriculture, he understands the issues important to Texas farm and ranch families. Glenn Hegar has a record of outstanding service in the Legislature and has all the qualifications to be as our state’s next Chief Financial Officer.” – Kenneth Dierschke, President of the Texas Farm Bureau
“Glenn Hegar is a strong advocate for Texas ranchers and landowners. As a TSCRA member and rancher, he knows first-hand how important agriculture; private property rights and free enterprise are to our state’s economy. We know Glenn will work toward reducing government regulation so that agriculture in Texas continues to thrive, which is why the TSCRA PAC is proud to support him for comptroller.” – Pete Bonds, TSCRA president and TSCRA PAC co-chairman
“Senator Glenn Hegar has a keen understanding and appreciation of property rights, private land stewardship, and the public values of wildlife on private land. This level of understanding and appreciation has served him well as an effective member of the Texas Senate, and it will serve him well as the next Texas Comptroller. He will be an effective voice and leader on issues important to Texas Agriculture and to rural Texas. The TWAPAC is honored to support Senator Glenn Hegar in his election to this important statewide office.” – Greg Simons, President of the Texas Wildlife Association